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Party at Umbiance

Make your party one of a kind and unforgettable in our place or yours. View our packages…

Ballerina Tea Parties, Hip Hop Dance Glow Party &  VIP RED CARPET Party

 Party Package (up to 10 guest)

*add an additional $10 per each additional guest

·        Party favor for bday child

·        Party favor for each child
·        Party Hostess/Instructor
·        90min. timeframe (60 min. dance/instruction time, 30min. party room)
·        Specialized games
·        Plates, cups,napkins
·        Cookies & juice

.        Personalized  Music Play list & Personalized Birthday song 

         Cost: $190   ($50 deposit)


Upgrade Party Package (4-10 guest)
 *add an additional $10 per each additional quest
·        Personalized party bag for bday child
·        Party bags for each child
·        Party Hostess/Instructor
·        90 min. time frame (60 min. dance/instruction time, 30min. party room)
·        Specialized games
·        Plates,cups, napkins, juice
.        Personalized Music Play List & Personalized Birthday Song
·        1 Pizza (additional pizzas $12)
·        Cost: $230 ($100 deposit)


*The balance will be paid at the end of the party. 

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